Monday, March 19, 2012

always with you

If I’m not here I’m there
 But I’m always with you
Look deeper into yourself and find the soul of one
You and me we are one.
 A flower grows and dies all at once
 A sequence of beauty
Beauty in life
Beauty in death
 Cycle of souls unleashed to me
 Bring me love and love I will.
The abyss is far and wide
 The core leads to others
Find them there and keep them near
The lovers of lovers,
 See without sight
 Bring me back to where we first met
 I’ll stay in my coma with you forever.


  1. thank you it actually came to me in a dream and when i woke i eminently wrote down what i could remember.

  2. I don't know what else to say besides this is an amazing poem(:
